
"Struggle Against with Estate Organization of the Estland Imperial Yacht Club"

Kopylov, Sergey Nikolaevich


The Estland Imperial Yacht Club, at the time of its creation, was a public organization for sports activities for the elite of the Baltic provinces of the Russian Empire. The establishment of the yacht club has found a wide response in the local press. Not the least role in attracting the attention of journalists was played by the aristocrats of the Russian Empire, who supported the idea of forming the Estland Imperial Yacht Club. The charter of the new public organization was approved by the Russian naval department together with officials from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. The main task, announced by the founders of the new yacht club, was to develop interest in sailing and steam sailing among the population of the Baltic provinces. When creating the Estland Imperial Yacht Club, a number of publications in the Baltic press were devoted to the formation of its infrastructure. For the Estland province, the emergence of the yacht club was one of the most relevant news. The fact is that for the new organization, in addition to leisure activities, it was planned to participate in all-Russian and international competitions in water sports. Naturally, such a public event was the object of close attention for local journalists.

Keywords: Estland Imperial Yacht Club, formation, Russian Empire, water sports, Charter, members of the yacht club, public organization, competitions.

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Kopylov, Sergey Nikolaevich "Struggle Against with Estate Organization of the Estland Imperial Yacht Club" Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research, Volume 8, Number 10 P. 26 - 32. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4016086