
"An Incomparable Book of a Great Scholar"

Doniyorov, Alisher Khudoyberdiyevich, Karimov, Nodir Rakhmonqulovich


This article is devoted to the analysis of Al-Shamail an-Nabawiyya, one of the most important works of Abu Isa at-Tirmidhi. As it is known that Central Asian scholars made invaluable contributions to Islamic civilization. They played a special role in the development of secular and religious sciences in the Middle Ages. Indeed, since the creation of mankind in Central Asia, especially in the territory of Uzbekistan, the processes of civilization have not stopped, even for a moment. The advent of Islam further accelerated the ongoing processes. Ancient cities of Uzbekistan, such as Samarkand, Bukhara, Shosh, Nasaf, Termez, became major cultural centers. Scholars such as Imam Bukhari, Imam Darimi and Imam Tirmidhi grew up in these areas and founded a school of hadith scholars, which led to a special recognition of Islam. While Imam Bukhari was the first to form the Ahl al-Hadith tradition, Imam al-Tirmidhi took it to its highest peak. In Islam, the most reliable book after the Quran is six hadith collections. The author of the first reliable collection was Imam Bukhari, while Imam al-Tirmidhi authored the third collection of authentic hadiths through the book Sunan at-Tirmidhi. The scholars book Ash-Shamoil an-Nabawiyya is one of the most published works in the world. Indeed, this book has a special significance as it details the inner and outer aspects of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). Although Imam al-Tirmidhis Sunan at-Tirmidhi was the basis for many studies, there is no comprehensive analytical study of the book Al-Shamoil an-Nabawiyya. Ash-Shamail an-Nabawiyya is a collection of hadiths compiled by the IXth-century scholar Tirmidhi regarding the intricate details of the Islamic prophet Muhammads appearance, belongings, manners and life. The book contains 399 narrations from the successors of Muhammad which are divided into 56 chapters. We analyzed the full content of the work and gave information about the scholars life, important works. The paper gives a brief account of the life and works of the scholar, the main focus is on the history of writing the book of Ash-Shamail an-Nabawiyya, its internal structure, its place in the Islamic world.

Keywords: Al-Shamail an-Nabawiyya, Imam at-Tirmidhi, Prophet, Sunan al-Tirmidhi.

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Doniyorov, Alisher Khudoyberdiyevich, Karimov, Nodir Rakhmonqulovich "An Incomparable Book of a Great Scholar" Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research, Volume 6, Number 8, (April 2020) P. 63 - 71. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3764177