
"Old-timers of the Anninsky Processing Industry (Anninsky Distillery and Anninsky Mez)"

Tyutina, Larisa Aleksandrovna, Yanina, Yana Vasilievna


The article discusses the historical aspects of the development of the Anninsky processing industry (Anninsky distillery and Anninsky MEZ, located in the Voronezh region). The development of the processing industry in certain regions determines the state of the entire national economy, the level of food security in the region and the country as a whole, and the socio-economic situation in society. The article pays special attention to the history of formation and development of the two oldest processing enterprises in Anna - the Anninsky distillery and the Anninsky oil extraction plant. The emphasis is placed on the efficiency of enterprises over the entire century-long period of their activity. As a result of the work done, the following results were obtained: the history of the formation and development of plants was studied, and the main production indicators of enterprises were analyzed. Based on the results obtained, the authors reveal the history of factories, which closely echoes the history of the country. It is shown that the ongoing modernization of production, technology improvements, led to an increase in production capacity.

Keywords: factory, production, society, city, state.

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Tyutina, Larisa Aleksandrovna, Yanina, Yana Vasilievna "Old-timers of the Anninsky Processing Industry (Anninsky Distillery and Anninsky Mez)" Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research, Volume 7, Number 9, (July 2020) P. 24 - 34. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3818327