
"Производный потенциал латинского словаря в пространстве и времени: там, где система встречается с творчеством"

Логунов Тимур, Юрьева Лариса, Золотарева Светлана


The creation of real texts in Latin can be regarded not only as the intellectual activity of the pastime of a limited number of enthusiasts, but also a long linguistic experiment. In this study, the product of such linguistic activity serves as a source of materials, primarily lexical and derivational innovations, for analyzing events that may arise in a "restored" language system. To reveal trends in the development of linguistic material and its potential, the data obtained from new Latin texts were compared with the results of studying Latin borrowings in English (in the natural conditions of a living language). Obviously, the choice of vocabulary and new terms to denote modern realities in these new Latin news texts are subject to the preferences of individual researchers and are sometimes arbitrary to a greater extent than in the case of creating text in a naturally developing language, where the speaker user strongly dominates the usage norms. In addition, when developing innovations, the authors of the texts in question inevitably follow their native language of the L2 experience. As a result of innovation, the "New Latin Scheme" shows some features more typical of modern European languages, in addition, the main development trends in the group of Latin borrowings in English were different from those found in the lexicon of the new Latin.

Ключевые слова: Latin, Latin borrowings, word formation, derivation, language system, English, semantic development, chasing, dictionary.

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Логунов Тимур, Юрьева Лариса, Золотарева Светлана "Производный потенциал латинского словаря в пространстве и времени: там, где система встречается с творчеством" Бюллетень социально-экономических и гуманитарных исследований, 1, 2018, том 1, С. 9 - 17. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.2528862