1. "Historical Aspect of the Formation of Russian National Identity"Authors: Chekmenyova, Tatiana Gennadievna, Pribytkov, Alexey AlexandrovichPages: 2 - 15.Full text PDF
2. "Interactive Development Practices of Modern Russian Education and the Risks of its Virtualization"Authors: Vodenko, Konstantin Viktorovich, Chernykh, Sergey Sergeevich, Borovaya, Larisa VladimirovnaPages: 16 - 25.Full text PDF
3. "Struggle Against with Estate Organization of the Estland Imperial Yacht Club"Authors: Kopylov, Sergey NikolaevichPages: 26 - 32.Full text PDF
4. "The Use of Diesel Engines in the Russian Fleet on the Recommendation of the Russian Maritime Union"Authors: Joraev, Medet TechmuratovichPages: 33 - 40.Full text PDF
5. "Features of Physical Education at the Higher School"Authors: Vasilyeva, Lyudmila Mikhailovna, Gladkikh, Olga Vladimirovna, Borlyuk, Irina Anatolevna, Ermolova, Elena Anatolyevna, Vyalykh, Nadezhda NikolaevnaPages: 41 - 47.Full text PDF
6. "Physical Culture in Professional Training of Students"Authors: Dushkin, Oleg Anatolyevich, Chernev, Igor Leonidovich, Shcherbinina, Lyubov Ivanovna, Voitovich, Denis Igorevich, Kachanov, Boris NikolaevichPages: 48 - 54.Full text PDF
7. "Spiritual Role of Islamic Media Space in Domain "Uz"Authors: Abdullaeva, Moxira ZaxidjanovnaPages: 55 - 62.Full text PDF
8. "Assessments of Demographic Processes in the Regions of Southern Central Russia in Demographic Reports of the Higher School of Economics and Official Documentation of Regional Administrations in the 2000s-2019 Years"Authors: Kanishchev, Vladimir Valerievich, Pluzhnikov, Alexander NikolaevichPages: 70 - 80.Full text PDF
9. "Mythology in the Ancient Written Texts of the Slavs"Authors: Getmantsev, Sergei MikhailovichPages: 81 - 88.Full text PDF