The article describes the features of the industrial development of the Tashkent region. Within one region, an industrial complex was analyzed. Some views of theorists on regional development are given. The opinions of these scientists on the factors affecting the development of industry in the region are analyzed. The economic potential and geographical location of the regions can lead to a clear division of the individual territories in industrial production. The economic and industrial potential of the Tashkent region was evaluated. It also analyzes the economic potential of the region. The role of regional sectors of the economy in the country is considered. It describes the economic potential of districts and cities, the availability of financial resources and the level of development of scientific and technological progress. It indicates the need to change the principles of state regulation of the scientific sphere for innovative development and the effective functioning of the regions industry, foreign experience is an example of organizational and economic measures supporting the innovative development of the regions industry. The composition of factors influencing the innovative development of the regions industry is also analyzed in turn. In particular, the emphasis in innovation is on the development of the human factor, science and technology. It is known that the growth of industrial production is not due to the expansion of extensive factors, but to a well-thought-out consistent policy in a systemic market economy, attracting foreign investment, profound structural changes in the economy, modernization and renewal of production, new export-oriented industries and enterprises organization through the development of private entrepreneurship. Particular attention is paid to the innovative development of industrial production. This makes it necessary to study the world experience in the innovative development of the regions industry. In this regard, the article also uses the results of the experience of developed countries in this area. World experience also provides examples of organizational and economic measures to support the innovative development of industry in the region. Recommendations are given on the targeted application of these measures. In conclusion, recommendations on the sustainable development of industry in the region are presented.
Keywords: Region, industry, innovation, technology park, high economic growth, innovation cluster.
Batirova, Nilufar Sherkulovna "Measures to Stabilize the Socio-Economic Development of Regions in a Pandemic (on the Example of the Industrial Complex of the Tashkent Region)" Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research, Tom 9, Issue 11 P. 2 - 14. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4263353