The article is devoted to the development of a system for an objective assessment of the regions production activity and its impact on the socio-economic infrastructure. It is proved that the possibility of resource development in the region is recognized when determining the strategy of innovative growth and strategies for innovative development of the region. The article analyzes the possibilities of preserving the existing production and technological potential in the process of innovative development of industry in the Tashkent region. In conclusion, the trends in the development of innovative products in the region are listed.
Keywords: Regional, innovation, technological innovation, modernization, science and technology, export, production, scientific research, experience.
Batirova, Nilufar Sherkulovna "The Innovative Level of Industry and the Competitiveness of the Region (on the Example of the Tashkent Region)" Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research, Volume 9, Number 11 P. 21 - 35. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4277799