
"Land Relations in the Russian Village During the Agrarian Revolution (1917-1921)"

Kosykh, Oksana Ivanovna, Badaeva, Nina Nikolaevna


The agrarian revolution in 1917-1921 included economic, social and political processes, which was reflected in the change in the social system of the village. The article shows the changes that took place in land relations, which largely determined the fate of the Russian village in the twentieth century. In addition, the great experience of studying this topic in domestic and foreign historiography is shown. The paper presents a rethought view of land relations based on a previously unused set of sources, including the regional level, which are rarely used by researchers. This allowed the authors to reach a new level of theme development. Today, the agrarian problem in Russia again needs to be resolved. Theoretical comprehension of the chosen path cannot be carried out without the history of the accomplished transformations.

Keywords: land relations, nationalization, socialization, municipalization, equalization distribution, forms of land use, allotment norms.

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Kosykh, Oksana Ivanovna, Badaeva, Nina Nikolaevna "Land Relations in the Russian Village During the Agrarian Revolution (1917-1921)" Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research, Tom 11, Issue 13 P. 86 - 96. doi: 10.52270/26585561_2021_11_13_86