
"Development of Healthcare in Central Asia in the 20-50th Years of the XX Century"

Harding, Serikpa Gnabro


The article analyzes the development of healthcare in Central Asia during the Soviet period. The sources of this work are the reports of the XI Congress of All-Union Bacteriologists, Epidemiologists and Sanitary Physicians, as well as statistical data from the Soviet period and scientific works. The article examines the conditions in which the development of healthcare in Central Asia took place. Investigated the state of infrastructure, equipment and health personnel in the period 1920-1950 in Central Asia. The article reveals the state of Soviet health care in Central Asia. In conclusion, the rapid development of Soviet health care in Central Asia during the study period was emphasized.

Keywords: Central Asia, health care system, health care institutions, fight against epidemics.

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Harding, Serikpa Gnabro "Development of Healthcare in Central Asia in the 20-50th Years of the XX Century" Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research, Tom 13, Issue 15 P. 87 - 95. doi: 10.52270/26585561_2022_13_15_87