
"Theoretical Aspects of Assessing the Level of Innovative Development of the Regions Industry"

Batirova, Nilufar Sherkulovna


In the modern era, regional industry is an important impulse or the main driving force of the national economy. Thanks to the expert analysis of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, it is concluded that over the past decade, 50% of the economic development of Western countries primarily depends on innovation. Sustainable and efficient development of the industrial sector implies, first of all, the development of small and medium-sized businesses that stimulate the countrys innovative development. In this regard, the article discusses the theoretical aspects of the level of innovation of the regional industry. A comparative analysis of the opinions of scientists on the innovative assessment of the regions industry has been carried out. In conclusion, ways were developed to ensure the innovative development of the regional industry.

Keywords: region, innovations, industry, cooperation, potential, resource, factor, assessment, comparative analysis, complex.

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Batirova, Nilufar Sherkulovna "Theoretical Aspects of Assessing the Level of Innovative Development of the Regions Industry" Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research, Tom 13, Issue 15 P. 119 - 131. doi: 10.52270/26585561_2022_13_15_119