
"Implementation of Socio-Demographic Programs in Rural Areas of the Tambov Region in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic (Based on Historical-Political Interviews)"

Kanishchev, Vladimir Valerievich, Pluzhnikov, Alexander Nikolaevich


The method of historical-political interview in the context of demographic research has already been tested and developed in our previous studies (Kanishchev, Pluzhnikov. Approbation of the method. 2018, 75-81, Kanishchev, Pluzhnikov. Regional demographic. 2021 P. 32-41). Taking into account the relevance and expediency of using this method in demography, we continued to study its possibilities for the implementation of the demographic policy of the state at the level of oblasts and rural areas.

Keywords: political science interview, regional demographic programs, districts, fertility, mortality, marriages, divorces, large families, coronavirus.

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Kanishchev, Vladimir Valerievich, Pluzhnikov, Alexander Nikolaevich "Implementation of Socio-Demographic Programs in Rural Areas of the Tambov Region in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic (Based on Historical-Political Interviews)" Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research, Tom 13, Issue 15 P. 26 - 38. doi: 10.52270/26585561_2022_13_15_26