
"Elections to the State Duma of the Russian Empire of the Fourth Convocation in Moscow"

Zhiltsov, Yuri Valerievich


The article deals with the organization of elections to the State Duma of the IV convocation in Moscow, taking into account the specifics of the city, the special social composition of citizens and a separate regulatory framework for the election of the lower house of the Russian parliament. The elections in Moscow were held according to special legislative regulations: the counting of votes was direct, city voters were divided into two categories based on the property qualification. In our opinion, the allocation of a wealthy group of citizens to the first category was done to increase the representation of reactionary and conservative forces that relied on large capitalists, owners and landowners. However, it didnt work in Moscow. According to the first category, two candidates from the Octobrist party, who shared liberal views, passed in Moscow. The change in the electoral legislation significantly reduced the already insignificant representation of the population of the city of Moscow, including at the expense of workers and small employees, however, it did not radically change the results of the elections in the city. The Moscow authorities have maintained a traditionally high level of preparation and conduct of elections. Great efforts were required to compile updated voter lists, prevent violations during the elections, including attempts at multiple voting. Muscovites showed a high percentage of participation in the vote, all the elected deputies received significant support from the population, which indicated a high level of confidence in the candidates.

Keywords: State Duma: the Russian Empire; electoral legislation; political parties, Moscow voters.

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Zhiltsov, Yuri Valerievich "Elections to the State Duma of the Russian Empire of the Fourth Convocation in Moscow" Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research, Tom 13, Issue 15 P. 53 - 60. doi: 10.52270/26585561_2022_13_15_53