
"Environmental Ethics: From Fhilosophy to Movement"

Bassey, Samuel A., NWOYE, Leonard


Environmental ethics is an area that investigates the subject of which ethical norms are suitable for governing human relations with the natural environment. The association among humanity and her environment turn out to be an ethical dilemma amid the twentieth century, when accelerated economic and scientific development was convoyed by deep modifications in our global ecological systems. In response, environmental ethics calls for restrictions to this dichotomous association between man and nature. This paper unites the existing literatures on environmental ethics, asking for a move from philosophical postulations to tangible action so as to save our world.

Keywords: legislation, environmental ethics, environmentalism.

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Bassey, Samuel A., NWOYE, Leonard "Environmental Ethics: From Fhilosophy to Movement" Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research, Volume 2, Number 2, (December 2018) P. 39 - 45. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.2529548