1. "Organization and Activity of the Voronezh Petrovsky Yacht-Club 1875-1917. To the Statement of the Research Problem"Authors: Shayev, Maxim RomanovichPages: 3 - 9.Full text PDF
2. "Attitude of Conservative Thinkers of the Russian Emigration of the XX Century to Socialist Ideas"Authors: Savarovsky, Alexey Borisovich, German, Vladislav AlexandrovichPages: 10 - 19.Full text PDF
3. "Educational Policy of Russia in the Sphere of Information Technologies"Authors: Solovieva, Svetlana Rostislavovna, Makarova, Anna Anatolyevna, Savitskaite, Elena RomanovnaPages: 20 - 27.Full text PDF
4. "Challenges and Opportunities for Human Capital and Research in Omans Innovation System: Analyzing Global Innovation Index Data for 2012-2024"Authors: Al Rajhi, Imad SaifPages: 28 - 35.Full text PDF
5. "Idea of the Significance of Conservative Liberalism and Liberal Socialism in Russia"Authors: Ershov, Bogdan Anatolyevich, Medvedeva, Kristina MikhailovnaPages: 36 - 44.Full text PDF
6. "Methods of Ensuring Official Discipline and Educational Work of Prison Officers in Saratov Province in the Late XIX-Early XX Century"Authors: Eremenko, Ilya PavlovichPages: 45 - 54.Full text PDF