
"To the Question of the Forms of Human Relations and Economic Relations Based on Researches E.L. Bern"

Ashmarov, Igor Anatolevich


A person plays and will play a large and very significant role in the economy in the future, therefore the role of a person in the economy (by analogy with the role of a person in history), although indisputable, requires new research. Our research fully responds to this direction: economy and people; hence, this article relies not only on the work of economists, but also on the work of professional expert psychologists, whose works border on this area. The author has identified the main forms of human relations, using the psychoanalytic theory of such a famous American psychologist and psychiatrist, as E. L. Bern. In addition, we have identified various forms of economic relations that rely on formal and informal economic institutions. All of them are organized for clarity in the work in the form of several analytical tables. We hold the opinion that human relations and economic relations are closely interrelated, literally intertwined with each other. And the most important thing that was not paid attention to before: one of the main ways to increase the efficiency of economic relations in any (practically in any) sphere is to increase the efficiency and tune the most simple human relations. It is very important for any labor collective, organization, enterprise, production.

Keywords: economy and people, economic man (homo economicus), psychological man (homo psychologicum), economics and psychology, economic psychology, relations and institutions in economy.

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Ashmarov, Igor Anatolevich "To the Question of the Forms of Human Relations and Economic Relations Based on Researches E.L. Bern" Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research, Tom 3, Issue 5 P. 3 - 20. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3263939